Wednesday, April 29, 2015

It's not swagger, I'm just sore!

Day 3:
Seriously! I woke up in the middle of the night last night so sore from PiYo Lower Body. But when I was doing it, I was all like "Oh, I got this. This is easy." Needless to say, I had to take two ibuprofen. But like, sore is the new sexy right?!

Today, my hubby was off so we went to dinner with the baby girl. I was so proud of myself for sticking to my diet, even though it was happy hour! I had a streak with broccoli and mashed potatoes. I really wanted a baked potato, but they didn't have any. So I gave most of my not-so-clean mashed potatoes to Lydia.

Also, because hubby was off today I got to run some errands all by myself! Mommy time=a much needed Green Tea!
Because I had so much energy today from my Shakeology I did Piyo Upper Body and Spinning. I watched an episode of Gilmore Girls (because I'm basically obsessed) and spun for 50 minutes burning an additional 500 calories today! I may be waking up for some ibuprofen tonight!

It's only Day 3, but I am feeling pretty good. I can feel my body getting leaner and my mood better. We even had time to "Stop and smell the flowers" today! 

I spin to get rid of the CrAzY

Day 2:

Lydia was like a Facebook stalker yesterday (come on, we all have/had them!)... she just wouldn't leave Mama alone!!! It was Piyo lower body day, and it was a struggle to zone out the whining and continue working hard towards my goal. I decided Lydia was fine. She just wanted attention. I left her in her room to play, and I came back to her sleeping like a big girl in her bed!

While she was sleeping, I did a tabata spin routine for 20-minutes and burned an additional 200 calories!  Burned the 'Mama was going crazy' right out of me! Then, I enjoyed a nice crisp chicken salad with 21 day fix Dijon dressing. Even though, I was an initial hater when it came to Shakeology (simply because I hate shakes) I never felt so good the last two days! No cravings, energy galore, and the belly is full!
Sometimes, during the crazy whirlwind of motherhood I have to remind myself that the crumbs dropped on the kitchen floor after lunch, the whines when I'm not paying attention, and toys thrown across the room can be all fixed in about five minutes. But when those little eyes look at you for your reaction, I must remember that all of those small things are easier to fix than a broken spirit. As a mother, I will always have to work on my patience. Good thing Piyo is bringing back my ZEN!

Today's Menu:

Breakfast: Shakology and watermelon
Lunch: Chicken Salad with cucumbers, cheese, and dijon dressing
Dinner: Hamburger with sauteed mushrooms and onions with homemade sweet potato fries.
Green Tea

Monday, April 27, 2015

She misses cupcakes!

Day 1:

I am weighed in, measured, and before pictures are taken! READY TO START PIYO!

After a late start today, I pushed play...And pause because Lydia decided to take a late nap and needed mommy cuddles for a few minutes. I'll let this one slide because she wasn't feeling well. 

But instead of laying down and taking a nap with her I decided to learn the basic moves of Piyo. To my surprise, my lost years of yoga have come back to me! It felt so good to stretch it out! 

While Lydia was napping I was able to finish Piyo, make lunch, and dinner (early). So I say the late nap was a win-win!  I am always grateful for nap-time!

As the day came to a close, I had some cravings but instead of breaking my perfect clean eating streak today I had some peanuts and grapes. Note to self: Don't listen to your inner fatty. She's an evil b****. She misses cupcakes! I can't help but LOL because it's true!

 Until next time.... when you get to see ridiculously embarrassing pictures of me working out! YAY!

Today's menu included:
Breakfast:  Chocolate Strawberry Shakeology and eggs
Lunch: Chicken and beans
Dinner: Honey-Balsamic Chicken with peppers and onions, brown rice, and beans
Snack: Peanuts and Grapes
Green Tea
*I should have ate more today, but I wasn't feeling 100%. I think I got a cold from the baby girl! :(